Friday, September 27, 2019

School districts mission statements Research Paper

School districts mission statements - Research Paper Example Goals and objectives are important in complementing the process of achieving the vision of a company. Goals and objectives are important tools that are used in enabling an organisation to execute its mission statements effectively. In this regard, goals and objectives in an organisation should be in tandem with the particular mission statements. A school is an institution where learning takes place in order to transform the minds of learners towards setting and achieving their goals in life. Goals and objectives in school should focus on the values that a school impacts on the lives of learners in the process of executing their functions. In any country, a school is expected to make available quality education while at the same time, create and maintain suitable standards upon which the educational goals and objectives are to be met. These are the standards upon which a school is deemed effective or not; schools that perform excellently with proper standards are those that have clearly defined mission and vision statements with suitable approaches in achieving their goals and objectives (Carter & Roebuck 2006). â€Å"Jackson County Schools will provide excellent educational opportunities for ALL students in a safe and orderly environment that fosters respect, trust, honesty and responsibility† (Jackson county School 2014). In this school, the mission and vision statements seem to be clearly in line with the student learning and achievement. It has dedicated itself to putting up structures and systems to enable it achieve these priories; to this effect, it has established manageable goals that it intends to use to achieve its mission and vision statements. The data profile of the school is expansive, showing various activities and functions that the school is involved in its academic calendar. The data profile contains among other things the students learning calendar and timetable, activities to take place during that time, as well ways by which parents can

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