Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ronald Reagan, The Great Communicator Of The United States...

Ronald Wilson Reagan, the great communicator of the United States of America began his legacy of embodying the conservative movement during one of the most famous speeches in American history. Before Ronald Reagan became the fortieth president of the United States, he began his switch from acting and movies to government and politics. Early in Reagan’s career he saw himself as a democrat, with Theodore Roosevelt as his hero. This would change thru his acting and professional career as Ronald Reagan announced that he would choose a different path. Ronald began his turn from Hollywood to Washington D.C. when he began to see his liberal/democratic views start to hurt the country in which he thought his views were being represented. In 1962, in a rally for Barry Goldwater the Republican Nominee for the 1964 election; Ronald Reagan gave one of the most prolific and famous speeches of all time â€Å" A Time for Choosing.† In this speech Ronald Reagan showed the people of Ame rica a new side of himself where he believed small government, lower taxes, and the American spirit would allow for a new era of prosperity that the left wing had been holding back. Since the beginning of American government there have always been two distinct parties in which the people listen and side with the values that they believe in. For the last hundred years the two main parties have been Republicans and Democrats. Republicans having conservative values believe in a hands off government, lower taxes,Show MoreRelatedThe Great Communicator : Ronald Reagan1300 Words   |  6 PagesMrs. Dowling The Great Communicator The year is 1980. America is in a slump. 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But after 8 years, Ronald Reagan will turn the country inside out, and make the world aRead MoreRonald Reagan Leadership808 Words   |  4 Pagestrait approach. Also known as great man theories, it was developed to explain how traits influenced leadership. This theory suggested that certain people were born with special traits that made them great leaders. (Bass,1990; Jago,1982). For this applied leadership mini paper I chose Ronald Reagan as my leader. Through this paper I would like to enlighten how the Trait approach theory helps me to analyze him as a successful leader. â€Å"In his lifetime, Ronald Reagan was such a cheerful and invigoratingRead MoreRhetorical Analysis: Rhetorical Analysis:1723 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Rhetorical Analysis: President Ronald Reagan s Farwell Address Rhetorical Analysis: Reagan s Farwell Address Ronald Reagan s Farewell Address was an amazing example of conveying the fundamentals for freedom through an emotional and visual lesson. 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Not only was he a president, he was also a former athlete, Hollywood actor, and devoted husband and father. Ronald Reagan was one of the most influential and respected men of his time, known for his traditional morals, values, and beliefs that make him one of the best presidents that America has ever seen. Although Ronald Reagan eventually came to lead a glamorous lifestyle, his beginnings were much moreRead MoreAnalysis of Ronald Reagans First Inaugural Speech Essay655 Words   |  3 Pagesthis Great Nation Kathryn Abraham Ronald Reagan was an inspirational speaker who planted hope in the minds of Americans through his speeches. He echoed throughout the streets of this democracy what true revolutionary ideas were. His ideas and beliefs rang true within the hearts of our fellow country-men as proven by his landslide second term victory. One of his most famous speeches, his First Inaugural Address, was spoken when he won the race for Presidency in 1980. President Reagan wantedRead MoreAll about Ronald Raegan932 Words   |  4 Pageswhatever God intends he should become.†- Ronald Raegan (Hawkins, 2012). This is just one of the amazing quotes that lead Ronald Raegan to be known as the â€Å"Great Communicator.† Marilyn Brayton stated, â€Å"Ronald Raegan was known as one of the most popular, and best presidents we have ever had in our country!† He was known for being very strong willed, and fought to achieve â€Å"peace through strength† (The White House, â€Å"Ronald R aegan†), and he did just that! Ronald Raegan was born on February 6, 1911 inRead MoreAnalysis of Ronald Reagans Sppech, The Challenger Disaster1723 Words   |  7 PagesWhile seated in the Oval Office of the White house, January 28, 1986 President Ronald Reagan delivers his speech The Challenger Disaster; hours after the space shuttle The Challenger explodes while in take off. Thousands witnessed this horrifying event live in person and on television. This mission was very unique allowing the first civilian to ever be allowed in space during a mission. She was aboard The Challenger as an observer in the NASA Teacher in Space Program. Ironically, nineteen years beforeRead MoreComparison Of John F Kennedy Inaugural Address999 Words   |  4 PagesAddress to the Nation by President Ronald Reagan share similar tones when addressing the American people. As one President enters the white house and the other leaves, both men share their admiration, strength, and compassion that the American people share when working t ogether. The Farewell Address and the Inauguration were two of the most memorable speeches of all time. It is as though both men were speaking to the public as if they personally knew everyone in America. President John F. Kennedys Inaugural

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